Monday, April 30, 2012

Grizzly sighting

Since I have a week until my work begins I spent some time sightseeing yesterday.  After hearing multiple reports from other people around the dorm about a grizzly and her cub in the area I decided to try and find them.  It wasn't hard...I drove up the road a mile and they were right off the side digging in the snow for food.  I sat and watched them for nearly an hour and they paid no attention to me whatsoever.  Later that evening me and Sam drove out to find cell coverage and came upon two park ranger vehicles.  We weren't sure what they were doing but drove around them slowly, luckily we drove slow enough because right past their vehicles was a black bear laying in the woods.  We only caught a quick glimpse of him and didn't manage to get a picture, but Sam was glad since she didn't get to see the grizzly with me earlier.  Here are some pics of the two that I watched yesterday afternoon.  Enjoy!
The cub standing tall

Mama Bear