Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Possibilities of Summer Fun!

Looks like this summer is going to be an opportunity for some great fun!  Mike and I put in applications to Yellowstone National Park for work this summer a few weeks ago.  I applied for a hotel front desk position and he for host at a restaurant since at the time he was hosting at Applebees...and we were officially offered the jobs! So it's Yellowstone or bust!!

 Here's how the process worked:

A few days after the application process I received an email asking me to take a typing test online for the job.  The next day (fast turn around I know!) I got a call from Craig at Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone headquarters, that I passed the typing test "with flying colors!" Yay! 22 words per minute. Awesome!  So the next step was a phone interview which I had a few days later, at which point the job was offered and all that was left was for Mike and I to choose our location: the Lake Yellowstone Hotel!! Mike was offered a job to host at the restaurant there and I will be a front-desker.  So its time to organize the stuff, pack up and make our 5 day trip from Virgina to Wyoming to start what could be our greatest adventure ever!

This blog is to track our fun trip as well as describe our adventures out in the ol' west.

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